March 13, 2008

ScribeFire for SeaMonkey

Philip Chee wrote:

I've ported ScribeFire 1.4.6 to SeaMonkey. Unfortunately I don't have a blog or live journal account so I can't test the upload features. So I'm requesting help from SeaMonkey users to test this port.

Here is the test extension: scribefire-1.4.6-mod.xpi

Help verify the upload/digg/technorati functions!

ScribeFire homepage possibly with instructions on how to use although I haven't found them yet....


  1. Inline spellchecking only works in SeaMonkey 1.1 and above.
  2. There is a settings panel but it's very well hidden (even in Firefox). How many of you can find it?
  3. The ScribeFire pane can be configured to be above or below the tabbrowser. Please test both options.



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